Your Daily Cute: Cats Posing Like Pin-Up Girls [10 Pics]

It’s “daily cute” time, or “daily wtf” time – I haven’t decided which one this is yet. Retro pin-up girls in different art forms have been really popular this year, and I suppose this is a take off on that. I don’t have any cats, and I’m not even really a fan of cats, but I have to admit these little cuties are adorable. These are cats posing in pin-up girl positions. From a creativity standpoint, it’s quite brilliant that these pictures can be matched up so perfectly to these classic pin-up poses.

It’s all part of a new Tumblr blog which was launched this year called Cats That Look Like Pin-Up Girls. Buzzfeed even recently named this blog one of the best Tumblrs started in 2012. If you would like a steady flow of these daily cute pictures to brighten your workdays, you can like the Facebook page. The Tumblr is by Hurly-Burly Clothing, which is a shop in Australia that sells punk, goth, rockabilly, pin-up and burlesque clothes and accessories. This is a brilliant way to gain attention and new customers.

Now, back to the cats…I have so many questions about this. Are these random, bizarre shots of cats that someone meticulously matched with pin-up girl photos? Are the cats specifically posed to match a certain photo? How do they get the cats in mid-air like that? Does someone throw them up and then photograph them? Are some of these Photoshopped? I may never have the answers to my questions, and maybe I’m over analyzing it. Maybe I should just settle for the fact that it’s a daily cute and let it go. If you have a cat who likes to pose all sexy like a pin-up girl, you can submit your photos on the site. They say they’ll try their best to use them.

Your Daily Cute: Cats Posing Like Pin-Up Girls









