Goal-Setting: Let’s Play 15 Questions

Someone once said to me, “The quality of your life will be determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.” It’s so true.

We’ve all read a million articles on goal setting, right? This article is different. This one focuses on the questions that I suggest you ask yourself regarding goal setting. I ask myself these questions daily. It has made a huge difference in my life.

I suggest you write these questions on a piece of paper and put them in a place where they can be a constant reminder to stay the course, to stay on track.

Let’s Play 15 Questions –

• Do I have my goals posted so that I am reminded every day of where I am headed?
• Is my path clearly marked?
• Am I visualizing the road ahead so that I am prepared for any challenges?
• Am I properly measuring my progress toward my goals?
• Are my goals getting closer or are my actions only pushing them farther away?
• Am I making the right choices along my journey?
• Are my daily detours distracting me from my ultimate destination?
• Have I been accountable for my actions?
• Have I maintained high character ethics along the way?
• Am I taking responsibility or placing blame on others if I deviate from my path?
• Do I make good use of my time?
• Do small potholes in the road take the appropriate time to get by or are they becoming giant obstacles?
• Am I realistic about the time and effort that may be necessary to reach my destination?
• Do I remember to stop and celebrate the small goals reached along the way to my ultimate goal?
• Am I committed to do everything to the best of my ability?

The road to reaching your goals can become winding and laden with obstacles if you are not careful. You will want to keep your ultimate goal in sight at all times and not stray too far off course.

If I may be so bold, I would like to share with you some other little nuggets that I have learned after being self employed for over a decade.

Make sure to focus on the rewards instead of focusing on the risks. Instead of saying, “What if I don’t make it?” Say, “What if I make it big time?”

Perseverance is the insurance policy for success. Never put your dreams on the back shelf. Ever.

Focus on the other person. Take yourself out of it. When you focus on the needs of others, your business will move to the next level. You will move up the mental hierarchy.

One of my favorite quotes: Run from negative people like you are running from a burning building. Negativity is infectious and can send you and your business on a downward spiral towards defeat.

“Save the drama for yo mama”. I don’t think I need to say any more about that.

Change happens in a second. You make a decision. The decision you make today could change your life forever.

The reason I chose this picture for this article is because the Dragon is associated with good luck, prosperity, and success.

Please let us know your success tips for achieving goals. You deserve everything your heart desires! Best wishes!

Here is the legend, Zig Ziglar, talking about the importance of goals: