Have Some Time Left Before The Exam? Consider These Points

When going into the exam, students should not only be prepared academically but also mentally. If you’ve done all the learning you can, then consider the points below as a last preparation measure.

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Tip 1 – Read The Task EXACTLY

In every exam, countless points are given away because the tasks are not read correctly. Many students just skim the assignments, look for key terms, and then start working on them. But it is precisely in doing so that they overlook important information and, in the worst case, answer the question without answering it.

Therefore, read the questions and working instructions in your exam carefully and pay attention to the subtleties. “Describe” means something different from “Discuss”, calculate the energy” is not the same as “Calculate the specific energy”.

Tip 2 – Don’t Interpret Too Much

On the one hand, you have to read the questions and information in your exam carefully – on the other hand; you must not overinterpret them and drive yourself crazy. If you get stuck for minutes wondering what a filler word like “first” might mean or why the person in the fictitious example is named Müller and not Meier, you’re wasting your time. If in doubt, ask or consider whether this peculiarity is relevant to the basic problem.

Tip 3 – Take Notes

While you study the task, it can be useful to take notes simultaneously. What is the initial situation? Which data, facts, and values are given? In which main topic should the task be classified? Are there any special features or sketches?

Marking important passages can also be helpful but is not allowed in every exam. The additional making-of notes on the examination documents, on the other hand, is. Just make sure you label your notes as such.

Tip 4 – Prioritize The Individual Tasks

In your exam, NOT all tasks are equally important. n concrete terms, this means: There are tasks that you have to do with great care, and there are questions that you should only work on at the end or not at all.

Why? Because the tasks usually bring in different numbers of points and are therefore to be evaluated differently. Your task is, therefore, to prioritize the individual tasks at the beginning of the exam. Which tasks bring you closer to your goal (pass, good grades…), and which questions can you neglect?

Tip 5 – Manage Your Time Wisely

Time is your most valuable resource during the exam. That’s why you have to manage the available time well and use it wisely. You have to ration them strictly, schedule your exam and keep an eye on deviations.

Otherwise, you spend too much time on a task, set the wrong priorities, and lose valuable reserves for the rest of the exam. Therefore, at the beginning of your exam, set fixed time limits for each sub-task and use them as a guide.

Tip 6 – Keep Track Of The Time

Giving up time and hoping for the best is not enough. It is important that you regularly check the clock while working on your exam and make sure you are “on time”. Many students dither when answering exam questions, dally, and lose track of time. You will be flabbergasted when the announcement “You still have five minutes” is heard. Therefore, control yourself by keeping an eye on the time.

Tip 7 – Do Formalities First

There are a few formalities to be observed for every exam: labeling of the task sheets, marking of exam papers, signing of exam documents, and so on. Get that formal stuff done as early as possible.

If there are five task sheets and each one needs to be labeled: Do it immediately, even before you start reading the task. Take this item off your to-do list right at the start and do your duty. Firstly, you then have a clear head. Secondly, you don’t forget it, and thirdly, you don’t end up running out of time.

Tip 8 – Start With The Simplest Task

What question do you usually start your exam with? With the first? Good choice – but only if the first task is also the easiest task. In general, there are two types of tasks that should be completed with high priority: tasks that bring a lot of points and tasks that you can work on quickly and easily. My advice: start with the simplest tasks.

First, do what you can safely do and then dare to tackle the big chunks. Create a point foundation that you can build on. But be careful: Don’t digress unnecessarily with your solutions. Just because you know the solution doesn’t mean you have to present it in great detail and in calligraphy. Work efficiently.

Tip 9 – Ask

If you don’t understand an aspect of the task or you’re unfamiliar with a term, you shouldn’t dwell on these ambiguities for too long. Find out what you don’t understand and ask questions. That’s why the university staff is there during your exam: to help you. You will probably not receive any information about the desired solution, but ambiguities or misunderstandings can usually be clarified in dialogue.


Exams are a necessary part of education, and there’s not much you can do but face this challenge head-on. Don’t be afraid, and use our tips to nail your upcoming exams. Don’t have enough time to prepare for the exams and do all the assignments? Don’t fret; you can always employ the help of a research paper writer that will eagerly take on the boring tasks for you.

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