As I’m sure you heard, the world’s oldest person just died a few days ago. She lived about 45 minutes east of Atlanta (where I live), and it got me thinking about human lifespan. Besse Cooper lived to be 116, and she was inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records last year for her age. There have been people who have lived longer, but at the time of her death, she was the oldest person on record. When asked what age was the most fun for her, she replied, “my ’80s.” Besse’s picture is right here to the left, and you can read more about her on Huffington Post. My father died when he was in his early ’50s. That’s over 60 years difference in lifespans. So what if we want to live a longer life? Are there things we can do?
A while back Richard wrote an article called How To Adjust Your Lifestyle To Live A Longer Life, and it had some great tips about how to extend our lifespan. This new infographic called Who Wants To Live Forever? by (developed by NowSourcing) also has some great tips for how to live a longer life.
I had no idea that things like daily flossing, drinking tea and having sex can actually help us to live longer lives. Also, it’s interesting to note that stress doesn’t decrease our longevity (even though it might feel like it does). What I’ve always wondered about is how much of our individual lifespan is determined by genetics and how much is determined by our environment. Hopefully in the end, living healthy has a stronger weight in that equation. After all, I don’t want to die of cancer in my early ’50s like my father did. What are your strategies to live longer? If you have any secrets, please share them with us all.
Living A Longer Life Doesn’t Seem That Difficult After All
(Click Infographic To Enlarge)