How To Participate In The Sri Chinmoy 2020 Peace Run

Sri Chinmoy founded the Oneness-Home Peace Run in 1987 in furtherance of his life’s work of bringing people from cultures all around the world together in oneness. The Peace Run embodies his dedication to using athletics and sports as a vehicle for global harmony. Through the years the Peace Run has involved more than 140 nations and millions of people.

The Peace Run’s purpose is not to raise money or promote any political goals, but to simply provide a way for people everywhere to express their hope for peace in all parts of the world. The centerpiece of the Peace Run is the symbolic torch passed from hand to hand around the globe in dedication to a harmonious future for humankind.

Sri Chinmoy Peace Run Header Image


The 2020 Peace Run Route In The USA

The North American 2020 Peace Run will be conducted between April and August 2020, starting in New York City and then beginning a circuit of North America beginning and ending in New York City. The course of the run will include Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The 2020 Peace Run will make stops for events in 39 states and covers every major region of the continental USA.

U.S. cities that will be part of the 2020 Peace Run route include Orlando, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, St. Louis, Oklahoma City, Santa Fe, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Providence, and many others.

How To Take Part In The 2020 Peace Run

You can participate directly in the 2020 Peace Run by making contact with the running team as they pass through your city or area. You can join in carrying the Peace Torch for just a short run, or you can put in a full 10k while supporting the Peace Run and connecting directly with all participants.

If you plan to run with the team and the Peace Torch, be sure that you have planned for return transportation, as the torch goes forward at all times. The running group will enjoy your support and participation in the running course for as long as you would like. The United States coordinator can provide accurate information regarding running with the team as the Peace Run approaches your location.

Other Opportunities To Participate And Support The 2020 Peace Run

The 2020 Peace Run would be thrilled to have your support in organizing welcoming events for the running team and the Peace Torch when the run comes through your town. Check the itinerary and contact the coordination team to discuss the best location and times to welcome the team.

The Peace Run provides an excellent opportunity for you to have your town turn out to support the cause. The 2020 Peace Run will also stop at numerous schools throughout the country, and the running team would be pleased to explore the possibility of stopping at your local school.

Children will learn about the efforts they can make towards self-fulfillment while pressing forward in the cause of world harmony and peace among humankind. Explore the possibility of involving your school in the Peace Run for a unique learning opportunity.

The Sri Chinmoy 2020 Peace Run will give opportunities to people throughout the USA to be a part of a personally fulfilling way to bring humankind throughout the world together to express hope for peace everywhere.  For more information about the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, visit the official website:

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