Search query: infographic

Art: Your Favorite Movies Compressed Into Barcodes

Art: Your Favorite Movies Compressed Into Barcodes

Is it just me or is data compression becoming a hot topic? Just the other day, Richard wrote an article about this topic called The Importance Of Int ...
Protect Your Password With Help From A Geeky Stripper

Protect Your Password With Help From A Geeky Stripper

As we all know, computer hackers are getting better at what they do each day, thus becoming a daily annoyance that many of us think about. Just this ...
Gender Differences: Men vs. Women on Facebook

Gender Differences: Men vs. Women on Facebook

I've had a lot of fun lately seeing all the gender related stats we've featured on Bit Rebels. It's really interesting to do the man/woman comparison ...
A Never Before Seen Look Inside An AT-AT Imperial Walker

A Never Before Seen Look Inside An AT-AT Imperial Walker

Of all the things unleashed into the world, Star Wars is probably the one thing that keeps us wondering about  technology the most.  We see the gear, ...
How Big Is Your Byte: Twitter, Facebook And More In Bytes

How Big Is Your Byte: Twitter, Facebook And More In Bytes

As our world gets more and more complex, we tend to transfer that to the virtual world of ones and zeros.  As we clear up more space in the real world ...
The Social Media High School Yearbook Poster Of 2011

The Social Media High School Yearbook Poster Of 2011

Right about now there shouldn't be many people out there doubting the power and impact of Social Media.  I mean, Facebook speaks its own language and ...
The Impact New Technologies Will Have On Human Evolution

The Impact New Technologies Will Have On Human Evolution

Since new technologies are being released every day it seems, we are spending more and more time at our computers each day. Although I think few peop ...
Extinction Timeline: Everything Has An Expiration Date

Extinction Timeline: Everything Has An Expiration Date

No matter how much we try, there will always be an expiration date for pretty much everything.  Even time itself seems to have an ending date, even th ...
Star Wars Flow Chart: What Side Or Occupation Do You Belong To?

Star Wars Flow Chart: What Side Or Occupation Do You Belong To?

Some people really get into their favorite movies.  They immerse themselves so much so that they sometimes believe they are a part of it.  We have see ...
Office Kitchen Politics: Does This Happen At Your Office?

Office Kitchen Politics: Does This Happen At Your Office?

The other day I wrote an article about laziness in the workplace. It was really funny to see how many people in Corporate America spend their time du ...
The Most Powerful Colors On The Internet

The Most Powerful Colors On The Internet

This is so interesting to me. Have you ever wondered what the most powerful colors on the Internet are? These are the colors that command attention, ...
The Closest We’ll Get To A Real Lightsabre – A Wicked Laser!

The Closest We’ll Get To A Real Lightsabre – A Wicked Laser!

Yesterday Richard wrote an article about lightsabres that basically told us all that unfortunately, in our lifetime, we would probably never see a rea ...
You Venn Some. You Lose Sum.

You Venn Some. You Lose Sum.

After taking statistics classes for years and years, some of it must have rubbed off on me. Now that I'm actively involved in the internets, my observ ...
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