Easy Strategies To Gain Real Followers On Twitter

Twitter is one of the biggest and most influential social media platforms in the world today. It went from being just another digital space where people shared their thoughts to a powerful marketing tool that allows brands to communicate with their global audience.

On Twitter, more followers mean more influence for brands. Your follower count tells you how much people enjoy your content, which is good for sales and lead generation if used properly. But, getting followers on this platform is a lot more complex than you may think. However, some brands have found a trick to building their brand image. They hire experts that help them grow Twitter followers without having to deal with the hassles that come with it.

While hiring growth experts to help increase your followers is an effective way to boost brand awareness, you’ll also need to put some things in place to give your account a little push.

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1. Make Your Profile Appealing

No one is interested in a blank profile or one that doesn’t grab their attention. If you want loyal followers, you need to keep your profile friendly, as proof that you have promising content in-store for them and that you’re not just another bot on Twitter.

To give your profile the appeal it needs, including a clear profile photo that exudes confidence and friendliness. You also need to include keywords and hashtags relevant to your industry in your bio – this gives them a short description of what your brand truly is about.

For the final touch, you need to include your local information. Let your audience know where you operate.

2. Be Consistent

Audiences love to see fresh content on their feed every time they log on to Twitter. They want to stay updated and entertained for as long as possible – that’s the essence of the platform anyways. So, if you want them on your side, you need to Tweet more frequently than an average Twitter user. This platform has no limits to the amount of time you can tweet daily, so you get to use it to your best advantage.

To gain real followers, tweet at least five to seven times daily – this will help your target audience know you’re active and prompt them to engage. Remember, there are no maximum limits to the number of times you should tweet.

3. Optimize Visual Contents

Audiences are more likely to engage in visual content, especially when they seem to be having a lazy day. Rather than tweet a thread filled with long sentences, upload an image or video instead. Visual content will stop your audience from scrolling for a minute or two as they check your tweet out.

4. Use Hashtags

Hashtags take your profile and contents straight to the feed of your target audience. They help build a small online community where people engage in the content they’re only interested in. A hashtag is a form of self-promotion. It improves your chances of gaining new followers as they get to see that your account offers content they find interesting.

5. Tagging, Retweeting, Replying

For new profiles, try following verified accounts or accounts with a large number of followers and engage with their tweets. Prospects usually visit profiles they find in the comment sections.

For older profiles, you should retweet more often and tag brands in the same industry to increase your visibility on Twitter.

If you are interested in even more social media-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

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