Free Course on Tagging your Photos

Meta-data. Keywords. Tags. In today’s world of data overload, the value of our data and our ability to find it again, seems to be resting in the capable hands of every one of us and how good we are at labelling or tagging it.

Delicious, Flickr, YouTube and WordPress all use tags to categorise content with some of the content relying heaviest on tags being visual media, especially the stockphoto market. The problem is that the quality of tag data lies directly in the hands of the cloud. And if the cloud isn’t tagging items in the correct manner, then the quality of our search results will be compromised.

Now, thanks to Twitter and The F Stops Here, I’ve found out that Stock Artists Alliance has started a free event with corresponding website,, whose sole aim is to teach us how to tag our photos in a way that will benefit us all!

A fine and noble goal indeed!

I’m keen to hear what you all think – do we need a course, just to learn how to tag our data? It is an important goal, indeed, but how much training could one need that would justify a full course on tag-training!?