Funny Caricatures Of Real Facebook Photos Will Give You A Giggle

Writing a blog post isn’t hard, but writing one that shows your personality can be tricky. This is especially true if you want to convey humor. I read blog posts all the time written by people who are trying to be funny, but it doesn’t quite translate. It ends up feeling awkward. I even wrote about this topic a few years ago in a post called 2 Reasons Why It’s Tricky To Translate Humor Online. Sometimes the best way to translate humor is through images, like a series of funny caricatures.

We’ve featured the work of lots of artists who may not be funny in text, but their funny drawings or cartoons are enough to build a huge readership and following in social media. The bloggers who are able to translate their offline humor in their online presence are usually very successful, and I can only think of a handful of people who do it right.

Matthew Inman from The Oatmeal is one of those people. The Oatmeal is known as being such a funny place to visit, and usually it’s just funny caricatures, cartoons or other simple drawings there that will make you giggle. Matthew (The Oatmeal) recently reached one million likes on Facebook. To celebrate, he created these funny caricatures of his Facebook fans. He asked people to post photos on his wall, and then he created the caricatures from those.

He warned people not to post photos of babies or he would draw them as horrible monsters, hence the two monster babies below. The interesting thing is, The Oatmeal hit one million Facebook likes last Thursday. Now it’s only 4 days later, and Matthew has an additional 13,000 likes (at the time I’m writing this). Dang, that is incredible! Congratulations!

Funny Caricatures Created By The Oatmeal









Via: [Laughing Squid]