Google Maps To Integrate With Google+ To Provide Personalized Maps

If you haven’t paid attention to Google+ lately, it might be time to revisit it again. Aside from the other Google benefits of being on Google+, now there is another one to add to the list. Google maps will soon provide you with personalized maps based on information from your Google+ friends. Does that mean that Google maps is getting social? The answer is yes if you agree with a Forbes article titled The New Google Maps Is A Social Network In Disguise.

I don’t think this new feature will make Google Maps more social per say, but it definitely adds another reason why Google+ is an important social network to consider making time for. According to Google, they want to provide a tailored map for every search so you’ll always have a personalized map that shows you what is ‘important to you.’

When this new version of Google Maps is unveiled, you’ll only notice the addition of restaurant recommendations based on ratings given by your Google+ friends. According to New Scientist, as time goes on, “it will eventually lead to a highly augmented way to navigate, based on a hidden world of data representing the emotions, movements and actions of other people.”

You can bet all of the data Google will be collecting to create these personalized maps will somehow be incorporated into future incarnations of Google Glass also. It all makes sense. It seems to be part of Google’s master plan to index and organize our world so we can see it and navigate it in a more tailored and personalized way. Completely aside from this social aspect, the new Google Maps looks to be incredible. You can learn more about it (and see pictures) on Mashable and on Droid Life.

Google Maps Integrates With Google+ To Provide Personalized Maps
