For those of you who are on FaceBook and would love to add a new dimension to your experience or would like to promote some of the things you share with your friends, adding a Fan Page is great and easy to do. If you do not prefer to add a Fan Page and you want to just use your personal account, it is possible too. What is so cool about FaceBook is that it can be used as your own website if you do not want to create one. Just by adding tabs, you can have a space to allow others to engage with you even further.
A Facebook TabSite allows you to easily create a website within a tab on your Facebook personal or fan page. TabSite was developed as an easy way to create a website underneath a Facebook Tab called ”TabSite”. This is an easy-to-use solution to manage your content. There is no need for Static FBML when you use the TabSite editor.
How much does it cost? Facebook TabSite is a low cost easy way to design your custom website within Facebook. They offer a 2 page personal site for FREE. For business here is their pricing scheme.
Just remember that if you do add a tab on your pages, make sure you also update and share content that is relevant for your audience. It is always easy to add stuff on your site, but it really takes time and a lot of planning to make sure that the content is worth reading.