Although Facebook Interests rolled out onto the Facebook platform back in March, many people are still unaware of them or more accurately, many people still don’t understand what purpose Facebook Interests have for Facebook users. As you are already aware, we are becoming use to social networks providing us with ways to segregate topics and people in certain areas. Just like Google+ with its circles, Pinterest and their boards and with their categories, Facebook has now jumped aboard the list train by allowing users to create multiple isolated Facebook Interests so you can have particular sections/lists that will look much like new Facebook newfeeds on the various topics you enjoy.
You are able to create your own lists and add your desired title along with pages that match your “Interest.” This will help you keep organized in Facebook and aid in eliminating missed information due to the fast-paced newsfeed or ticker. Instead of having to go to each Facebook page individually, you will be able to clump them together to see a new form of a newsfeed with selections you have chosen as niches. You also have the ability to choose who you want to see your Facebook Interests while creating an interest list, or if you want to subscribe to already curated interests, Facebook now offers you this option as well.
Therefore, you will gain quick and easy access to information that is of interest to you without having to create a list every time. Do this by clicking “Add Interests” located on the lower left-hand side of your newsfeed (not on your profile). Here is where your created lists and chosen subscriptions will reside on Facebook.
How To Create a Facebook Interest List
Creating a Facebook Interest list is easy and can be accumulated with the Facebook Pages you have already “liked.” However, if the page is using outside tools for constant updating and not promoting posts through Facebook, not everyone sees the updates that happen on Facebook pages within their newsfeeds. You can loop hole this design by adding Facebook pages you want to stay informed about within a Facebook Interest list that you create.
4 Easy Steps For You To Create A New List From Facebook Interests
1. Go to the Facebook Page you want to add to a list of a chosen Interest (here we chose the Bit Rebels Facebook Page).
How To Share Your Facebook Interests List
You are able to share your list of interests by clicking the share button on the top-right of the newsfeed which will populate the familiar share box where you can add a status update and let friends and family members know about your newly created list.
You can add to your list immediately or as you come across new pages or old pages that will suit the topic you chose your list to be about. You can easily add by typing in the search box at the right-hand corner of your list and a drop-down will appear of related pages and topics to your interest.
Once you return to a page you have added as a Facebook Interest within a list, you will see it is added by clicking the (Messages > Dropdown > Add to Interests) and your lists will appear, the check marked list is the chosen list you added the interest/page to.
You can also choose from various categories to create a new list with Facebook Interests, on the left-hand side you will be able to choose to create lists based on Facebook pages you have already “liked,” create lists of people you want to remain informed about regularly, as well as anyone you have subscribed to on Facebook. Choose from a variety of categories as well to explore Facebook and find new interests to add to your existing Facebook lists or in order to create a new list.
How Does Adding Facebook Interests To Lists Help Businesses?
Businesses who use Facebook Pages will want to take a screenshot of the area in which people can add your page to their created lists on Facebook (Messages > Dropdown > Add to Interests) and along with it add a status update that is friendly, and even encouraging titles for a newly created list for your pages’ audience. You will extend your reach and help your page be seen more since people have chosen to add your page to the lists they are interested in.
The more you show your audience ways of remaining informed about how they can keep up with the information and efforts of what is shared to your business’s Facebook page, the more credibility you earn. Once you are added as a Facebook Interest to a list, you have more chances of increasing your visibility due to the privacy settings the user chose and by expanding engagement from the person who added your page as an interest.
How To Remove A Facebook Interest From A List
If you want to remove a Facebook page from a list, you can go to the page, click on Messages > Dropdown > Add to Interests, and once you see the check marked list, simply click it to remove the check mark and now the page is removed from your list of Interests.
If you are looking to organize your Facebook in a way that suits your interests, creating Facebook Interests lists will help you find content easily for status updates based on pages and topics you enjoy. Remain up-to-date with important people in your life by adding them to a Facebook Interests list so you never miss a status update from them again, or stay in the know of what is happening amongst those you have subscribed to on Facebook.
Facebook Interests can become your own personalized newspaper by allowing you to have sections through the Facebook Interests list feature which will cleverly helping you customize Facebook the way you want it, instead of being owned by the featured newsfeed. Create some of your own which will make Facebook more fun, informative and unique, just like you.
Header Image Credit: [Vertical Measures]