Top 10 Failed Social Media Sites & What We Can Learn [Infographic]

If you are an entrepreneur who enjoys networking in social media, it’s probably crossed your mind to start your own social media site. There are so many aspects of that which are important to get right from the beginning. We’ve seen countless examples of that by studying successful social media sites. This list of the top 10 failed social media sites is also interesting to me, not because it lists 10 fails, but because it lists the potential reasons why each site might have failed.

There is so much we can learn from reading this top 10 failed sites list. After all, starting a social media site looks so easy, right? You’d get to work at home on your laptop all day. We all know the story of the small group of people who started Instagram, and how they worked around a card table each day with their computers.

However, when you really start looking at what’s involved, you suddenly start to realize how much work it really is. Very few social media sites accidentally become successful. Most of them are founded on well-planned strategies, lots of hard work and massive coding skills.

This infographic called Top 10 Social Media Sites That Failed is presented by My Life. I see they have listed Google+ on here as the number 2 failure. I didn’t know Google+ was technically considered a failure yet, but perhaps it is. Digg is also listed, and although I agree that site is a sinking ship now, there was a time when Digg would have been on the top 10 list of successes. Then of course there is Myspace. The jury is still out on the new Myspace. We’ll see soon enough where that goes.

Whether the site was a redundant service, it was overly filtered, it didn’t focus on engagement and connecting or it just didn’t add enough to people’s lives to seem worth the time, there is a lot to learn from this list of top 10 failed sites. Enjoy!

Top 10 Failed Social Media Sites


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