Rick Bakas @rickbakas knows about wine. With over 41,000 followers on Twitter, he also knows about connecting with people. He combines those two loves into virtual wine tastings on Twitter that are creating quite a buzz!
Last week, the New York Times quoted Rick saying, “Where wineries need to focus most is on signing up new wine club members through social media rather than rely on cementing relationships with tourists who drive up to the tasting room.”
He would like to join wineries and wine drinkers from around the globe together on Twitter for the next virtual wine tasting featuring Sauvignon Blanc on March 4th. I asked Rick why he is so passionate about these wine events and he explained, “Any chance to bring people together for a shared experience is what I’m all about.” Last month’s event, which featured California Cabernets, united wine drinkers everywhere and concluded after two hours with over 2,000 tweets with the hashtag #CaliCabs! You can check out what people had to say here.
Rick sends you his personal invitation to the March 4th event in the video below. Here is a list of quick details –
What: Virtual Sauvignon Blanc Wine Tasting
Who: Everyone – all you need to participate is a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and Twitter!
When: Thursday, March 4th from 5:00 – 7:00pm Pacific Standard Time
Where: Twitter (Remember to use the hashtag #SauvBlanc in your tweets so they show up in the search!)
How: This event is free for everyone. Please tweet interesting information about your wine growing region and your opinion about the wine you are tasting. We all try to be positive and promote one another, so be sure to keep your tweet to 120 characters or less so we can retweet you! This is also a great event for wineries because it will allow them to connect with wine drinkers from all over the world. Registration for this event is not required; however, you can visit the registration page here. If you have any questions, please contact Rick at @rickbakas.
Twitter sweetheart, @LoriMoreno, had this to say about Rick and a wine event that she attended, “I had the absolute pleasure of enjoying outstanding wine with my friends @RickBakas & @JaimieBakas #BFF at a fabulous wine tasting event at @StSupery in Rutherford California. Other incredible wine experts brought their wonderful cabs as well. I’ve attended many great events at vineyards here and in Europe, but have to say this was the best! Love you Rick and Jaimie. @DaveMalby was also able to attend and loved it as well! Thank You Rick!”