Tag: Gonzo

The Periodic Table Of Muppet Characters For Muppet Fans Everywhere

The Periodic Table Of Muppet Characters For Muppet Fans Everywhere

The Muppet characters are full of nostalgia and happiness. Usually people are either muppet fanatics, or they don't like the Muppets at all. I don't u ...
Design Inspiration: 10 Warm & Fuzzy Knitted Muppet Hats

Design Inspiration: 10 Warm & Fuzzy Knitted Muppet Hats

I grew up watching Miss Piggy on television, and to this day, I think she's so much fun. I got to see her in person back in October. I'm not ashamed t ...
The Muppets Redesigned As Dead Muppet Zombies

The Muppets Redesigned As Dead Muppet Zombies

I know when I wrote about the ammunition specifically designed to kill zombies last week, I said I was getting all zombied out. Since then though, the ...
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