Canary Home Security System Enters Sci-Fi Territory For Cheap

Isn’t it weird how nowadays we can monitor pretty much everything going on online, but we can’t get an update on how our own home is doing when we’re not there babysitting it? There’s always a risk that when you get back home, stuff will not be the same thanks to intruders who are out to make a few fast bucks. There are a few home security systems out there that help protect our homes, but none as advanced as the new Canary home security system.

Technology gets more advanced with each day that goes by, we all know that. But it’s when we come across technologies like the Canary home security system that we can really marvel over the progress innovators are making around the world. This home security system is a piece of tech on its own level, and you will understand why when you look at the feature list that is presented in their crowdfunding pitch.

Yes, it is still under development, but it has all the components and just needs a little bit of fine tuning before it goes out to its pledgers. The crowdfunding campaign is actually already a successful one, which makes pledging a sure bet.

The impressive list of features that are incorporated into this marvel of a box include an HD camera, siren, microphone, night vision, motion detection, temperature, air quality, humidity and much more. This makes the Canary one of the most impressive home security systems on the market today. With 19 days to go, the crowdfunding campaign has managed to raise an incredible $1.1 million of the $100,000 goal they set at the start.

There’s no doubt that this home security system is going to change the way every home is kept secure, but it will also once and for all unleash the true power of technology within our homes. I am both exited and eager to try out this technology myself once it has been finalized, and we humbly believe the this should be the top choice for anyone who wants to keep their home safe.

Canary – The Home Security System For Everyone





