Cheapest Universal Portable Smartphone Stand To Date

Almost everyone in the civilized world owns a smartphone these days. We use it in our everyday lives, and we pimp it out every chance we get. Watching video on a smartphone usually involves some kind of stand, which has always been an annoyance since there are very few good ones out there. If you are fortunate enough to find one, it will most likely cost you an arm and a leg. It doesn’t have to be that way if you harbor the slightest bit of creativity. If you do, there are both free and cheap solutions which you could utilize. Many times it’s important to make sure the smartphone stand is portable enough to be able to take with you. That’s not normally the case, but I might have just found something that will make a lot of you (and me) quite happy.

The ingenuity comes from Flatpackables, and it is a sort of DIY solution. What they are selling is one of the most portable, environmentally friendly and of course cheap smartphone stands available. I am pretty sure you can create it yourself if you don’t want to spend the $12.00 it costs to buy it. What you should remember is that when you buy this thing, you can be sure it is made out of the most durable wood with almost laser cut borders. It also comes with a package in which you can store the stand when you are not using it. That makes it one of the most portable smartphone stands I have seen to date.

You could probably create these yourself out of durable cardboard, but you will soon find that having this wooden smartphone stand instead will save you a lot of time. It’s beautiful, slim, portable and straight forward to assemble. Not only that, but it is the ultimate in universal as well. For once, it doesn’t matter if you have an iPhone or an Android (or any other brand). This smartphone stand will work with whatever you have. Pretty darn cool if you ask me!

Flatpackables’ Portable Smartphone Stand




