iPhone Evolution Completely Showcased [Infographic]

There’s no doubt an epic amount of talk about the iPhone 5 these days. I recently heard that Apple sold 5 million iPhone 5s in the first weekend. That is a serious number of smartphones being sold, and a whole lot of people wielding its power. It’s been over 5 years since the first iPhone was revealed by Steve Jobs at an event that went down in history as one of the most important announcements ever made in the smartphone industry. It changed pretty much everything. I am not saying the iPhone changed everything, just the sheer announcement of a solution which became the standard and still is. But what has happened since then? What about iPhone evolution?

I think we can all agree that since the first iPhone was released, we have seen quite a lot of innovation when it comes to fitting more technology into a smaller casing. That if anything is worth some applause. In my opinion, that is what Apple is best at, making things more optimized. I don’t mean necessarily innovating and making new technologies available, but pushing existing technologies to their limits.

iPhone evolution has been constant and somewhat streamlined. Ever since the first iPhone announcement, the incremental upgrades have been expected. Of course, there have been some features that have gotten more attention than others, but nothing that has shocked the world into submission when it comes to the iPhone’s features and upgrades. That is something that could possibly be misleading when it comes to iPhone evolution, and what it has meant for the industry.

In this new infographic, we get to take a closer look at iPhone evolution, what exactly has been announced, and what went into what models. It’s by looking at iPhone evolution that we see what Apple probably already knows, which is that whatever Apple comes up with, it’s never enough. Apple has put themselves in a position where impressing people has become harder and harder the more they push the envelope. The more you try to impress people, the more people expect you to come up with something that is two times as impressive as the last time around.

But over the long run, Apple is handling their position and situation quite well. They are still bringing out technology that pushes the industry forward, even though their specs aren’t at the very edge of what is possible right now. Have a look at this infographic (created by KellyQDesign) called The Evolution Of The iPhone, where we get a clear image of what exactly has happened since that day when Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone with a smile on his face (almost like he knew that he was creating history).

Do you think this iPhone evolution is the very best Apple could have mustered? Do you feel they could have added a few more innovative features into the iPhone by now? Were there too many iterations between the first iPhone and the iPhone 5 which purely point to the company milking the market for money? It’s always great to hear what consumers think about this, and where it might head in the future. Let us know!

KellyQDesign’s iPhone Evolution Infographic

(Click To Enlarge)


 Via: [visual.ly] Header Image: [Mac Bremen]