Business owners have a few expectations when doing business with vendors who help them operate on a daily basis. One, they want a quality product with all the bells and whistles at a good price. Two, they want to receive excellent customer service and prefer to talk to real humans when they need something. Three, they want reliability and trust. They want to know that you will be there and hold true to your promises when something goes wrong. This is where amazing customer service begins. As a business owner, I think about all of these issues and more. They seem like reasonable expectations when you are busy taking care of your own clients, right? That’s where Nextiva comes in.
Whether your business is new or established, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest technology since it can affect your productivity and profits. A perfect example of how technology affects business can be seen in our phone service provider. Have you checked out the new VoIP phone systems that are available at, a business VoIP provider?
If you are not familiar with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), there is an informative Nextiva blog post about it on VoIP 101. It is simply a different way of transmitting your voice into data which is converted to travel over a regular phone signal all on a private IP network. Basically, this simply means that you’re using the Internet for more than online search. Now you’re using it for your phone service too. The key thing to know is that voice data can be delivered to any device whether in the office or mobile (such as the iPad, laptop, or smartphone) with the right phone and service provider. There’s no need to be in the office to communicate with customers these days.
If you are tuned into station WIFM (Seth Godin’s coined phrase What’s In It For Me), I will cut to the chase and let you know that I have found using VoIP to be very budget-friendly. I’ve saved several hundred dollars on my small business phone bill. A lot of people might think it’s complicated and requires lots of equipment, but the Nextiva team works to provide the best customer experience, and they keep the setup process as simple as possible. You will be happy to know that all those additional services you might be paying extra for at larger companies (like voicemail, caller ID, conferencing, call forwarding, long distance and others) are all part of the package you choose at Nextiva. It’s kind of like you can name your price based on your needs – without contracts – which gives you room to start small and grow.
Who wants to spend their entire office expense budget on phone services when you don’t have to? Saving every dollar on necessary tools to communicate with your clients, vendors, and team is smart entrepreneurship. Ultimately, businesses and entrepreneurs start an endeavor to make a profit, and to do so, they need to communicate with and connect to humans, right? Nextiva cares about people. Period. They even have a few awards in their back pocket that prove they are credible and caring.
Nextiva Is The #1 Rated Business Phone Service
(according to
No Contracts
No Setup Fee
Award-Winning Service
Save A Tree! Use Paperless Fax.
Raise your hand if you still use a fax machine! Why? You can save money and be nice to the environment at the same time with vFAX (virtual fax). Old fax machines are not eco-friendly! They use extra electricity, plus you have to buy ink, toner (or heaven forbid carbon type cartridges) and paper. Fax machines also cause other office issues like wasted time while waiting to use the office fax machine, or worse yet, waiting until the receiver’s fax machine no longer rings busy. While this downtime gives employees extra breaks to chat, it can kill efficiency and productivity. Trust me, the only thing employees will miss about faxing is not having to deal with the machine. No seriously, vFAX from Nextiva makes sense. Try it!
Via: [Sponsored Article]