I have a very good friend who is a nanny. Almost every time I see her, her iPhone is either scratched or has a broken screen because she lets the children she cares for play with it. It’s really no surprise. As we know from this study by AVG, most 2-5 year olds learn how to play computer games before they learn how to tie their shoes. Her iPhone has been slobbered on, gotten tossed under cars in parking lots and lost in the supermarket several times.
If you are a mother with an infant, it’s only a matter of time until your baby is going to want to play with your iPhone. After all, what are the two things you always have with you? Your child and your phone, right? I have a solution for you if you would like to keep the slobber, teeth marks and juice box stickiness on your iPhone to a minimum.
The Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Baby iCan Play Case is a rubber iPhone or iPod Touch case that doubles as a toy. It has a rattle and a mirror built in, and also, an app that accompanies it which provides interactive characters, songs, numbers, animals, etc… The best part of this case is that your baby can drool all over it, throw it across the room, or dump and entire sippy cup of chocolate milk on it, and your beloved iPhone will remain safe and sound inside. This case will be released in July and will cost $14.99. Wow, this is great. The only phone I had to play with when I was that age was a little plastic pretend phone with beeping red lights.
Via: [Chip Chick] [Laptop Magazine] Header Image Credit: [The Humor Blog]