Steampunk iPod Case Goes Beyond Extraordinary Details

Today’s gadgets are all streamlined and designed to perfection. Usually they entail an overall white color with seamless assembly points. If you really try to categorize them, they are more depersonalized gadgets than inspiring ones if you ask me. Everything from Apple, for example, has a really simple, beautiful yet soulless finish to it. They have never been able to quite hit that edge where it says, “This is me!” more than with the first Macintosh. However, sometimes design isn’t supposed to have a soul either, I guess. It seems that pure lines and seamless perfection are all it takes in today’s society to get a bunch of attention. So is that how we want it to be in the future too?

Steampunk is a design customization process that takes modern soulless gadgets back in time and gives them the edge needed to give them a soul. I recently found a brilliant and insanely beautiful and detailed iPod steampunk customization that made me beyond impressed. I have always enjoyed this post apocalyptic style, yet it’s from the past.

Brass Eyes, a brilliant Instructables user and a Steampunker gone amok, has created one of the most beautiful iPod customizations I have ever seen. If you thought that the Mix Monsters were cool, then this will certainly blow your top off. The walnut and brass look of this Victorian case shines with creativity, and if they were available for purchase, I would have hurried out to get one. Unfortunately this one is a one off, and I take it that it won’t be reproduced either. What amazing detail with kick ass technology.

iPod Victorian Steampunk Case Headphones

Walnut Case Structure During Build

Front View iPod Steampunk Case

Back View iPod Steampunk Customization

Brass Victorian iPod Steampunk Customization