When a creative mind gets going, it’s hard to stop it, and that is evident in these creative portraits. Creativity is a living thing that should be let free every chance it gets. Why? Because the things that come out of creativity are not only incredible, but they can change the way we look at things, permanently. Once the CD was replaced by the Mp3 format, the music industry stood in front of a huge obstacle. Were they going to fight it or try and adapt? They did both. Unfortunately they first chose to fight it, and we all know how that ended. When evolution comes from piracy, there’s not much you can do to make things stay as they once were. The perception of the future can’t be pictured by looking into the past.
We have to accept the fact that legendary rockstars have become creative portraits in our minds, but long gone are the days of the CD, at least in the record stores. There aren’t many of those stores left, and the ones that are still able to keep their doors open are most likely dealing with retro rarities and have a client base that will be faithful to the bitter end. To put a spotlight on all of the above, artists Mirco Pagano and Moreno De Turco decided to do something that will blow your mind into prismatic shards of awesomeness. What they have been able to create is nothing less than mind boggling to be honest. How about a set of creative portraits of some legendary stars?
Out of thousands of CDs, they have been able to make beveled creative portraits of some of today’s most legendary and celebrated artists. They call the project Piracy. It’s amazing what a plastic disc can become when it’s put in the right position. Have a look and let your mind wander off to a day when Billie Jean and Barcelona were the top tunes on the radio. When I look at these carefully placed CDs that make up these impressive works of art, my head starts spinning at the same pace as the CDs in these creative portraits did back in the day.
Creative Portraits Using CDs By Micro Pagano & Moreno De Turco
Via: [UFunk – French]