The Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

Messing around in WordPress is a pure knowledge thing. It really has nothing to do with skill since all you really have to do is learn what all the different tags do, mean and what their possibilities are. There is no other way to get to that information than to check the tags out and try them for yourself or read up about each one of them. It’s a mammoth job to know everything about WordPress, and I think few people do. However, that shouldn’t stop you from completely immersing yourself into the world of WordPress. It’s the premiere blogging platform for blog owners, and it’s one of the easiest ways to set up your own blog whether you want to monetize it or just share the wondrous magic of your inner world. But where should you start gathering information about each and every tag?

It so happens that after the huge success of Techking‘s HTML 5 infographic, they set out on a mission to create one of the most complete (if not THE most complete) WordPress Cheat Sheets you can lay your hands on, and it is completely free. All you really have to do is to download and print it out to either put in on the wall in front of you or to bust out whenever you need it.

So if you’re a theme creator or a WordPress modifier and blog owner, you can step up your game with this ultimately useful sheet. Every tag you ever wanted to mess with is in here, and you have a great flow sheet to follow when you create new themes. You’ll know what you really should have in the new theme that you’re creating. Once again guys, a super job well done!

WordPress Tag Cheat Sheet Infographic