Wicked Witch Of The East Bookmark (Complete With Ruby Slippers)

Ever since I pinned this picture of a wicked witch of the east cupcake a few days ago on Pinterest, I’ve been thinking about The Wizard of Oz. There have been so many fabulous designs over the years which were inspired by that classic movie. It’s hard to believe the original Wizard of Oz film was released in 1939 because it’s as much fun to watch now as it was when I was a little girl.

I remember early last year I saw some wicked witch bookmarks making the rounds on my favorite blogs, and although they were cute, they weren’t quite my style. However, this redesigned wicked witch bookmark design is so awesome it makes me want to ditch my digital books for paperbacks. What makes these bookmarks different from the other ones? Well, they come complete with sparkly ruby slippers of course!

These glittery ruby slipper bookmarks were designed by crafter Kira Nichols. They’ll not only keep your page in your book, they’ll also squash that evil witch. According to Kira’s Etsy store, she offers these bookmarks every few weeks. Since she doesn’t have any available right now, I’ve also put some pictures from MyBookmark’s Etsy store where they are available right now. Hers don’t have the sparkly shoes, but they are very beautiful nonetheless. I’ll quote the wicked witch and just say, “I want those shoes!








Image Credits: [deviantART / Agon Art] [Fan Pop] [Etsy] [Opps I Craft My Pants]