It’s that time of year again. All the supermarkets in the States are stocked with pastel colored marshmallow bunnies and chicks. Most people call these “peeps” and whether they end up in someone’s Easter basket or in someone’s desk for snacking; they always seem to be very popular. They’ve been brightening springtime for over a half century.
These have always been very special in our family since my mother looks forward to eating these every year. They are her favorite candy. I usually buy several packages and send them to her just to make sure she has extras around her house.
To celebrate the short amount of time when these peeps are available, I wanted to share with you some peep artwork. Every year The Washington Post hosts a contest to see who can create the most artistic peep scene. This artwork showcases the creativity of hundreds of people inspired by these peeps. I’ve chosen some of the entries from past years to show you below. You can view a slideshow with more of the collection here: Happy Spring!