No Games For Smokers: Mario Helps People Quit Smoking

I don’t smoke. Of course, I don’t have anything against anyone who does and I’m not here to judge anyone, smoking is just not for me. I tried a cigarette several years ago and I puked for a few days afterwards, so I’ve decided not to try that again. However, if you smoke, and if you’ve been looking for a creative way to stop, you might consider enlisting Mario to help you. These are the cutest little cigarettes I’ve seen since I wrote about Hello Kitty Cigs and Lighters last year.

German Ljutaev, an artist living in the Ukraine, created this little cigarette concept design called No Games For Smokers just for fun.

According to his Behance page, “The idea was to incorporate the well known game elements as a warning for smokers.” The more you smoke these cigarettes, the more your lives (or health) goes down since it gets puffed away. Halfway through the cigarette, you are forced to answer the question… Do you want to continue? I think these are brilliant in every way! Who would ever think a Mario and a cigarette mashup could result in something so clever. These will never be made into actual cigarettes of course, and even if they were, I doubt they would be popular. I mean, what smoker would want Mario giving them guilt while they are trying to enjoy a relaxing cigarette, right? You have to admit though, they are still as cute as can be.





