When Sin City was released, everyone was talking about the visuals and how unique and genuine they were. I must say that I was a little impressed by the movie, even though the storyline was a little bit thin and most of the time the movie itself was a little hard to get into because of the way they cut from scene to scene back and forth.
Although I really enjoyed it, at the Box Office it was quite modest, only raking in just under 159 million dollars worldwide. It wasn’t a bad result in any way considering the movie only cost 40 million to create, but when compared to the most successful movies, it was just a drop in the bucket so to speak.
I don’t know what the initial idea or intention was when Frank Miller dreamed up that Disney princesses would make a great addition to the Sin City movie. Maybe I shouldn’t know, and maybe I don’t even want to know. The fact is that Mr. Miller set out on a quest to incorporate the sugar sweet princesses into Sin City and make them… well, badass if you will. The pictures are perfectly in line with the visual format that the movie has, and I find it quite entertaining to imagine the impact of these sweet ladies in a flashy movie like Sin City.
However, as we have said before, there is no cool without being cool, right? So really, there is no point in judging these ladies because obviously they are already badass and don’t need anything else to push their cool. Will these princesses be in the next movie of Sin City? I strongly doubt it, and even if they are, I don’t think people would mind. In a movie like Sin City, there can never be too much cool, so Frank, bring it on, push your way through to the script writers and change the history of what Sin City is all about. I certainly wouldn’t mind!