Steampunk: Steam-Powered Turntable Puts The Retro In Cool!

There’s always time for some steampunk here at Bit Rebels. We have, as you all know, covered a lot of steampunk stuff through the existence of the site, and we have no intention of stopping now. People have long been retrofying future stuff into old, used and battered steampunk gadgets to preserve the cool in the new. Or, something along those lines. Basically, no matter what you throw on a steampunk creator, he or she will make it into something that you probably would think was brought back from the past.

Simon Jensen has created something astounding and beautiful out of an old turntable. Not only is it fully functional, but it also runs on steam. The build is a feat in engineering really, and it uses plenty of clever solutions to drive the servo to control the throttle speed.

Simon has carefully documented the build, and he has all kinds of geeky data represented on his site along with a cargo hold full of pictures to further showcase his awesomeness. If he can create a steam turntable, what really are his limits? The fact that it’s running on garbage doesn’t make the build any less impressive. #AwesomenessDefined