We’re Alive! Why The Doomsday Prediction Was False [Infographic]

In the U.S. alone, we have a pretty strong history of doomsday predictions. This has been a phenomenon we’ve engaged in for centuries. Predicting the end of the world seems to be a favorite pastime for everyone from religious leaders to astronomers to self-proclaimed prognosticators. The trouble is, no one’s gotten it right yet. The latest doomsday prediction came from the Mayan calendar. But was that really a prediction? Could it have been nothing more than a calendar ending the way current calendars do every December 31st? And what about all those other predictions? Some may seem possible, while others are completely outlandish, but every idea still always seems to find believers and supporters.

Speculation runs rampant, and doomsayers are once again reveling in the possibility of the world’s end. Those who take such doomsday predictions seriously may find themselves in trouble when the predictions never come to fruition. People who prepare for the end of the world by quitting their jobs or going on spending sprees may drive themselves bankrupt. Hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars are spent on frantic doomsday preparations for the end that never happens.

For example, have you heard about the gentleman who spent over $350,000 on preparing for this very day?  If not, you should look into it. He’s a very interesting individual and owns the site Survive2012.com. Most of his savings went towards buying a 75-acre plot of land that is over 1,500 feet above sea level. Personally, I think he should’ve put a little more money towards his website (haha, I’ve got jokes!).

How about you? Are you preparing for the world to end? Or are you just preparing to make fun of everyone who put stock in the Mayan calendar? Come December 22, 2012, you may just get your chance. In this infographic called The Doomsday That Never Comes, presented to us by Total Bankruptcy, you’ll see why today, December 21, 2012 is “just another day.”

Here’s Why The Doomsday Prediction Was False
