A Tribute To All The Creepy Mustaches In The World

Now that Movember is finally over, all the men around the world who grew awkwardly creepy mustaches in the name of charity can finally shave them off. That mustache, which some people lovingly call a mouth brow, a cookie duster or a soup strainer, has most likely been skiving people out all month, so it’s definitely time for it to go. But how do you go about it? Have you ever killed a mustache before? In this video, which to me seems like a tribute to all the creepy mustaches in the world, you’ll learn how to give your stache a proper farewell full of the respect it deserves.

Rhett & Link put together this humorous little video which will help you bid adieu to the mustache that’s been with you all month. I’ve written a tribute to all our readers, a tribute to all the moms on Twitter and even a tribute to all the VHS tapes in the world, but this is the first time I’ve written a tribute to the stache. This doesn’t mean I don’t like mustaches, it just means they can be really, really creepy sometimes (and itchy when they touch your skin).

I read a stat last year that said something like 80% (or more) of women don’t like mustaches on their men. If you have decided to keep your mustache for the duration, don’t worry, there are a few women out there who like them. I even found this article called 4 Reasons Women Find Mustaches Sexy. I also read that having a mustache conveys trust and honesty, so it’s not allll bad. If you’ve decided it’s time to say goodbye to it…Let this video show you how to do it right. Oh, and if you want to see one of the most creative staches I’ve ever seen, check out The Bat-Stache.

A Tribute To All The Creepy Mustaches In The World


Via: [Geekosystem] Image Credit: [Yggdrasil-of-Mitho / deviantART]