Gender Differences: Men vs. Women on Facebook

I’ve had a lot of fun lately seeing all the gender related stats we’ve featured on Bit Rebels. It’s really interesting to do the man/woman comparisons, and of course, it’s all in good fun.

We’ve already determined that women can get followers much easier and with a lot less effort than men on Twitter. We’ve also seen that overall, chicks rule and the power of women in social media is extraordinary. However, one very specific area where we haven’t really gotten into until today is Facebook. How does gender affect how we Facebook, why we Facebook, and what we like to do on Facebook?

According to this article on Geek Sugar, there is some interesting data recently collected about women and Facebook. First of all, women in their 30s are most active. I was surprised to see that since we all know how much time Facebook takes. I would have thought women in their 30s would be too busy to spend so much time on there.

Secondly, they found that 48% of single women and 43% of married women check up on their ex on Facebook. Whaaaaaat? Really? Maybe this is why Facebook is blamed for so many divorces. In addition to that, women use photos on Facebook as a way to compete for men and get their attention. WTF? Are we really that insecure? Apparently the answer is yes. Check out this article that explains it on CNET News.

Next, whether you are a man or a woman, if you are a Facebook addict, according to the stats, that means you are a insecure and narcissistic. Really? That’s a huge shocker (not). According to a study done at York University, people who check into Facebook often each day may be lacking in self-esteem. I’ve written about this before, you can check it out here.

Another little nugget that surprised me is that according to Facebook Flow, the Facebook population is almost split evenly with men and women. 55% of the Facebook users are women, and 45% are men. What does all this mean? I haven’t decided yet, but on the surface, it appears that the guy/girl differences and dynamics on Facebook very closely mirror those offline. As usual, it once again shows us that our online and offline lives are morphing into one. I like that. The infographic below, created by Dan Zarrella for HubSpot Blog, sheds even more light on the Facebook gender differences.

Men vs Women on Facebook

Image Credit: [Valentin Mosichev / Shutterstock]