CalypsoKey Adds An NFC Case & Functionality To The iPhone

As we all know, the iPhone doesn’t come with an NFC component feature yet. Maybe this will change in the future, we just don’t know. But the fact remains that people are using NFC (Near Field Communication) functions more and more. It is said to replace our wallets in the future, but it will also enable features like NFC door locks and other useful applications. There is a way to get NFC functionality on the iPhone with the use of an NFC case recently announced.

The brilliant idea and innovation comes from a company called CalypsoCrystal and will enable you to harness the power of this feature even though you have an iPhone. This NFC case is super slim and precision manufactured to be ultimately protective and a utility all in one. The NFC case, called CalypsoCase, together with a “door dongle” called CalypsoKey, will be able to restrict access to any room you desire.

The CalypsoKey has two antennas, covering two spectrums at the same time. That way most of worldwide RFID access points are covered and you can use the CalypsoKey for numerous occasions.

Each transmitter has its own unique secured ID. This ID is used by the access points when they look up in their database if this ID is permitted to access and enter. You need to pair your locking system with your CalypsoKey and you are ready to enter only by tapping your CalypsoCase with CalypsoKey to the access point.

The ability to utilize NFC functions are only going to become more and more important according to some experts. This NFC case will enable you to take advantage of this functionality as well. Despite the fact that Apple hasn’t yet incorporated this feature natively in the iPhone, that shouldn’t be a reason for anyone not to be able to use it. This NFC case could possibly, with the right application, become a pretty successful accessory for the iPhone. Depending on whether or not this NFC case can connect directly with the iPhone, there could be quite a lot of useful applications created around it. However, my guess is that it doesn’t.

CalypsoCase & CalypsoKey – iPhone NFC Case
