Zelda NES Cartridge: Turned Into A 1TB External Hard Drive!

Zelda is one of those games that I remember the most from the Nintendo NES console game station. That golden cartridge was the coolest one in my collection, and I treated it like it was pure gold. If I am not entirely off course here, I think I sold my Nintendo NES when I saw the Amiga 500 for the first time. The possibilities seemed more to my satisfaction, and besides, you could program on it. A friend of mine and I used to create demos in machine code (also called Assembler) which we humbly spread to our friends. Later we also created a software we called “Geography Of The World” which we wanted to target for the schools. Those projects seem far less complicated now when I see what has become of these old cartridges.

It turns out that some genius mind created external drives out of them, and now has them for sale. They come in 1TB, 750GB and 500GB and use Toshiba 2.5″ hard drives that are fit inside of these cartridges. They are completely gutted and modded with a USB cable as connection.

Of course, it’s every geek’s dream shopping place, Etsy, that has been found by a brilliant modder calling himself/herself “8BitMemory” who is now selling (at time of writing) 39 customized Nintendo NES cartridges (only 1 Zelda Cartridge though I think) hard drives starting at $129.95-$179.95. As always with Etsy, it’s the one that gets there first that gets it. So if you’re an incurable Nintendo NES romantic, then hurry up and get your piece of history in an all new future packaging. Retro is the word!