“I am not sure what to tweet” is the number one comment I get when working with companies who will be exhibitors at trade shows, conferences and events. Everyone goes into lazy mode and tweets by default. Stop tweeting, “Come to booth 1203 – we are giving away an iPad for you.” Everyone has a contest. It is less about gimmicks and more about being relevant. When you take actions by default, do not expect your prospects and clients to take a better action than you did. That is kinda in your face advice I know, yet to-the-point feedback is necessary when you want to get stellar results. Today I would like to suggest 5 things to tweet about during your trade show. These are designed to help you make the most of your next event.
What can you do to set your communication, or your tweets, apart from everyone else? How are you asking questions from prospect’s perspective? Can you take off your shoes for a few minutes and wear their shoes instead? Now that is a better question that will serve you. Remember, your prospects have their own agenda at the trade show, conference or event, so how are you making it easier on them? The companies that figure this out will stand out and be promoted in social media as well.
Wear Your Prospects Shoes
- What is top of their minds to get done during the trade show?
- How can you help them find the answers they’re looking for?
- Are you being a resource?
- Leverage the trade show/conference/event hashtag for good!
5 Things To Tweet About During Your Next Trade Show
1. When you hear a question that you do not have an answer to from an attendee, tweet his or her question. Ask that person to follow you, and let him or her know that when you find the answer, you will tweet them directly.
2. Ask better questions in the trade show hashtag stream…”What three things do you need to accomplish for your boss to send you back next year?”
3. Pay attention to events happening after trade show hours – Tweet which events you will attend and offer a free drink to the first person to walk up to you at that event and say a secret word you posted in your tweet. Now, why do all that? For a couple reasons – first, if that person went to the trouble to take those actions, he or she is a good potential networking/referral partner. Next, you know that person is open-minded and willing to take action. And lastly, you now have a way to talk with someone who could give you great insight, introduce you to new connections and maybe even become a friend.
4. What other exhibitor could you partner with that you could offer complimentary services or products? Tweet about why that exhibitor is valuable because third party endorsements are always trusted more. You will come off looking good amongst a stream of conversations where attendees feel like they are being eaten alive (everyone wanting them to buy). This is your chance to be their hero.
5. Validate those who stopped by your booth with a shout out. Everyone likes to be acknowledged. You will also show you are grateful, which is an attractive quality which they will remember when making a purchase decision.
Yes, it takes work to create a successful experience from the exhibit floor for both you, your prospects and your company. Having some things to tweet in your back pocket can be very useful. When you’re on the exhibit floor, you are in a target rich environment to prospect with your ideal customer. Integrating your digital media marketing with an effective event communication strategy will accelerate your ability to reach that “right person.” Will you be pulling them in with your message or turning them off, which will force them to walk right passed you? Hint: Others are forcing customers to walk passed them.
Image Credit: [ExpoRep]