Internet Marketing Strategies For 2013 That Will Work [Infographic]

I am pretty sure that most brands are preparing their Internet marketing strategies for 2013 right about now. With a new year comes new challenges and many consider it to be a fresh start with new possibilities. Since the Internet is an always morphing entity, it’s important to keep a close eye on the trends that seemingly change every couple of weeks or so. Internet marketing is especially tricky these days. What may have worked yesterday could be completely dead today. You just never know from day to day what is going to work. All you can do is be creative. It’s through creativity that you will find the paths that will work for you. But even though Internet marketing is tricky, you shouldn’t feel it’s a daunting task to plan your Internet marketing campaign in advance.

Knowing where to distribute your resources is key to success. Some brands choose to go with what worked last time, and then when their campaign suddenly fails, they don’t understand why. It’s simple logic really. People have moved on from the hyped features and popular communities to something else. It’s here where your curiosity is vital. You have to want to find new arenas for your Internet marketing campaigns, or you will simply fall short and lose money and resources on bad decisions.

So where exactly do you look to find the latest trends, and how do you know what is going to be popular? That is the million dollar question everyone is asking, my friend. The best source for these answers is all the statistics continuously flooding the Internet forums, blogs and news outlets. Delving in to these will most certainly allow you to navigate your way from success to success. It’s not always easy to follow what is being presented by statistics though, and that’s when fresh infographics come in handy.

In order to tap into the heartbeat of things, I found a scorching hot and fresh infographic from Shebang that might lend us some vital information about where Internet marketing might be heading in 2013. The infographic is called Effective Internet Marketing: What Is Working For Marketers, and it presents statistics about what is currently working for marketers.

Since this information is fresh right at this moment, it will give us the keys to where Internet marketing is heading in the near future. Remember, Internet marketing is an always morphing entity. However, it is morphing over a certain period of time, which means we are able to tailgate it to the next popular trend.

It is clear through these statistics that if you want to get more leads, you will have to start producing content and optimizing your SEO. Those two things are key to getting more sales in the end. The fact that 89% of the US Internet users search for their product before they buy it says a lot about where you should put your efforts during 2013. If customers find your article, review or post about what they want to buy appealing, you might very well close the deal in a jiffy. Social media, mobile and email marketing are of course key approaches to help people find your content as well. But it’s when people are actively looking for what you are selling that you will have the greatest chance of closing the deal both faster and more frequently.

Producing content is the easy part. It’s the SEO endeavor that might take you some time. Don’t go and hire the first SEO person who calls him or herself a “guru” just because you need help. There are plenty of tutorials available if you just do a simple search for it. Through that, you will be able to fix the most obvious stuff before you start looking for someone to handle the more intricate problems with your website’s SEO. This way, you will be able to learn some of the basics about the trade and prevent yourself from being screwed out of your resources.

The best way to get people to see your content, which of course has all the reasons why they should buy the product they are looking for from you, is to engage in conversations with your potential customers. That way, you have a greater chance of telling them exactly what you offer and what they can expect from the product they want to buy. Engagement has always been the best way to market something, whether it’s free or comes with a price tag. Judging from these statistics, you’d do well in creating more product specific content and messing around with your SEO during 2013. As a last piece of advice, remember that knowledge and dedication win the race.

Shebang’s Internet Marketing Strategies For 2013


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