The Power Of Accurate Hashtag Practices [Infographic]

By now, anyone who has been on social media for a while should know that hashtags are the one way you can reach further than the edges of your own following. Hashtags are a vital and powerful tool, which you can utilize if you want to reach people that may be interested in what you have to say or share without them having to follow you. The power of accurate hashtag practices reaches further than the features and tools made available to you on any social networking platform.

By using hashtags, you also have the ability to create a community that does not necessarily have to be connected to your own social media profile. Like-minded people can get together, and chat using hashtags which makes it easy to invite more people that might like it as well. It is the ultimate community tool and one that could take your brand from unknown to globally known in a matter of days.

A great example of a community that grew from a few people interested in the same thing into a globally known community, is Jessica Northey‘s #CMchat which has gathered an unbelievable following through the years. It has allowed Jessica to grow her own brand and interest for Country Music and everything around it. But, to incorporate accurate hashtag practices in your own social media efforts takes a whole lot more than just shooting out a few hash tagged tweets and updates here and there, it needs to be nourished, just like everything else that has to do with social media.

In order to completely understand the sometimes complex ecosystem that a hashtag goes through on any social networking platform, I set out to find an infographic to properly explain it all. The fundamentals behind good hashtag practices might be many and sometimes complex together. However, their individual purpose is if anything, quite easy to understand. The infographic I found is called The Power Of The Hashtag and is presented to us by Huffington Post.

There are a lot of great pointers and tricks you can learn from this infographic, but I won’t bore you with my own experiences as they are quite limited compared to some of the hashtag ninjas that are incorporating impeccable hashtag practices in their social media efforts. Instead, have a look through this infographic and learn the trade one by one. By the end of this infographic, you will know enough to master the hashtag just as well as any of the infamous hashtag group managers out there. Be creative and research what the best hashtag for your endeavor is. This way you will be sure to connect with the most amount of people and quickly grow your network and interest.

 Hashtag Practices For Your Social Media Efforts

(Click Infographic To Enlarge)

Power Of Hashtag Practices Infographic


Via: [] Image Credit: [Beautiful Trouble]