A romantic evening should always end with a full moon shining its light on you with stars sprinkled around it. How can you be sure that your date will end just like that? I mean, you can’t predict really where the clouds will end up at the end of the night, right? Maybe it’s not the most important factor for a successful date. The most important part is that you had a good time. However, it would be that extra little bonus that could go towards making it perfect.
Well, now you can be a hundred percent sure it will end like that, and that’s thanks to the genius mind of Andrew Kuzmin who has come up with his own concept for how to solve this annoying problem called “MoonLight“. By combining an ordinary bubble street light and the moon, he’s been able to create what could potentially save your date from certain failure at the very end of the night.
Shaped and colored just like the moon, this ordinary street light has taken the form of the moon. Positioned just right and with a bit of timing you could potentially save the whole situation from getting out of hand. Well, at least there is a bright moon shining above you and maybe that’s enough. It’s really up to you guys what you’re after. The solutions is there for you though for your private experience. Now where is the light switch… this could be fun!