Hubstaff – The Ultimate Time-Tracking Software [Review]

Time-tracking is essential for a smooth-running business and to weed out the non-essential activities is vital in order to increase profits and success. If you want to get a complete overview of your employee’s daily activities and progress then Hubstaff is definitely the tool for you.

In this article, we are going to take a closer look at some of this time-tracking software’s most celebrated features and see how they could benefit your business.

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What Is Hubstaff?

Simply put, Hubstaff is your versatile time-tracking software that you can use on not only your desktop computer but also on your mobile device. It will help employees better utilize their time in order to maximize results.

While this software will guide employees through a better work schedule, it will also give employers a clearer overview of where projects are in terms of progress down to how each employee is progressing with their tasks.

While this, of course, is a huge benefit to most companies, this software has some rather impressive features that will make handling a workforce and projects a whole lot more fun for both project managers as well as the employees working on the project itself.

Let’s list some of the features that make Hubstaff such a popular and must-have software for any company that wishes to optimize revenue, profits, time and, of course, the happiness of their workforce.

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5 Features That Make Hubstaff A Must-Have Software

1. Flexible Monitoring

Knowing what your workforce is up to is one of the most important aspects of being a project manager. With Hubstaff you can, in an instant, get details about your employees activities, deadlines, Internet activities, what software they use and how much time they spend on each activity. This information can help you make important decisions when time is of the essence.

2. Better Management

Managing your workforce can be tedious if you don’t have the right tools to make quick decisions. Hubstaff will help you manage your workforce through clever reporting of billable hours of your staff, clients, and partners. Through Hubstaff you can also manage freelancers in a much easier and more efficient way.

3. Prioritization

For efficient execution of a project, prioritization is key, I think any project manager can agree with that. Using Hubstaff, you will be able to prioritize tasks for your workforce in order for a project to progress in the most efficient manner possible. This will ultimately eliminate project confusion where tasks are delegated on a whim which, in most cases, lead to deadlines being missed.

4. Track Unimportant Activities

As well as prioritizing tasks, the Hubstaff software can also aid you in tracking unsuccessful tasks, who’s behind and where the tasks started to fall behind the deadline. The user-friendly interface will help you find patterns to why a certain task was not completed on time.

For example, should an employee spend more time surfing the web than on the task assigned to him or her, you can address the problem before it affects the overall project. This way, you will always have a birds-eye view of where the project is in terms of progress, who’s doing a good or a bad job, and where to put more resources.

5. Improves Efficiency

As a project manager, using Hubstaf will allow you to keep track of all of your employees in a way that will not only increase project efficiency but it will also encourage employees to work harder as they know their efforts will be noted.

Knowing their work is tracked, employees will minimize distractions themselves and spend more effort and time on the tasks assigned to them. Also, should they struggle to keep up with the pace of the project because of over optimistic deadlines, they know their hard work is tracked and can justify more resources to be assigned to their task.

Final Word

New ways and technologies to track time and effort is developed on a daily basis, however, I would dare to say that Hubstaff is on the very forefront of innovation and I am sure that future features will further increase the efficiency and transparency when it comes to project management.

After having spent a few hours with Hubstaff I can, with confidence, say that it is definitely a must-have software if you are looking to increase efficiency in your projects. As Hubstaff is such a versatile software, it can, with confidence, be utilized by small, medium as well as large business.

My final verdict would be, if you are looking for a way to reinvent your company, impress your clients and in the process increase your profitability then I would definitely urge you to try out Hubstaff.

If you have any experience with Hubstaff yourself, please leave a comment in the comment section below and tell us what you like and don’t like about the software. I am sure Hubstaff themselves would love to get some feedback on their efforts to help your business.

If you are interested in even more software-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels then we have a lot to choose from.

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