Author: Andrea La Valleur
Andrea is a European transplant now living in Seattle | USA. She is a Freelance Graphic Designer and entrepreneur, loves Beamers, dogs and Americanos with extra cream. Find her tweets @divinefusion.

Laugh it up
I love to laugh. I laugh at myself often, or with my office mate & bitrebel's co-writer, Rob MacKay. It breaks up our day, and creates a fun envir ...

Top 5 iPhone Gadgets for Autumn
For all of us who love their iphones, and will admit - publicly, that you spend more accessorizing your iphone, than buying toys for your pet, check ...

Its Big Mac time
McDonald's Marketing has been relentless and, looking back, hilarious over time, cross-marketing not only in all media, but all countries and all ages ...
Creative Stop motion films
I am always fascinated by stop motion films. They are usually loaded with creativity, energy and sooooo much work! I've selected a handful of creative ...
Designer gone Street Artist
I found it interesting that Dave Kinsey, a young artist from Southern California, was trained as a designer, designed to be able to afford to paint an ...
Hotel des Arts
Located in the french quarter of San Francisco, Hotel des Arts offers a unique experience of 'living in art'. Highlighting contemporary local artists ...
Color me pretty | Les Paul Guitars
With the passing of Les Paul, Rock 'n Roll's legend and creator of the Les Paul brand of Gibson guitars, I want to share the colorful side of Paul's f ...
Stressed? Trick-or-Sweet
For all of us who sit all day (and night), staring at our 28's, without much exercise, I have a treat for you! Big Box has launched its brand of squee ...
Fashion or green? Concept phones
Designing for our future lives can get pretty creative and strange (at times). While some focus on using recyclable materials, power-saving energy and ...
Closer to Heaven in High Heels
I just LOVE Carlos N Molina's paper art. He is incredibly talented, creative and inspiring. Many of his collections, focus on shoes which are his abso ...
Edible Sculptures
A few years ago I sent my dad a book called "Play with your food." I love the creativity behind all of the funny creatures and characters that are rev ...
Modern Architecture on an unexpected street.
Modern architecture has always fascinated me. I love the use of materials, textures and shapes, which I also consider in my own artwork as a designer ...
How to kill time at the office.
If you ever find yourself bored at the office, I challenge you: Create something! Check out this entertaining vid from EepyBird, who's creative team s ...
Do you spark?
Image Spark is an online tool that helps you collect, discover, share, tag and converge images that inspire you and your work as a creative. Each user ...
Phenomenal Tire Carvings
I recently ran across this phenomenal Mexican artist, Betsabeé Romero. She creates sculptures, carving imagery in old car and truck tires, and often ...