How To Tell If Your Job Will Be Automated By 2030 And How To Prepare

The job market is always changing, pushing jobs out of certain areas when they are not needed. Some may result from workers not being trained enough for certain positions and tasks, some may be the new business strategies companies are taking on, and some may be the sheer cost of labor domestically.

You will have to make an educated guess on whether or not your job will be automated because every situation is different and very complex. The main thing you have to look at is what most employers want, which will, in turn, advance your career.

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Look At Employers Needs

  • They want to improve quality
  • Improve safety by removing human error and implementing consistent systems
  • Increasing speed and productivity by improving processes and scalability through taking out human labor as a bottleneck
  • Lowering labor costs that result from labor laws and job market
  • Increase consistency and reliability
  • Leverage scalability by not relying on access to human capital
  • Mitigate risk from labor shortages and human error
  • Increase data inputs for decision making

Look For Signs That Your Position Is About To Be Automated

  • Your supervisors are meeting with consultants or automation companies
  • Your company has already automated a process before
  • Look at market trends and news
  • Competitors have already automated your position
  • The position you are in does not have a lot of variation and creativity involved in the process

If you notice any of these tell-tale signs within your company, there is a high chance that your position will likely be automated. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to lose your job but there is a chance you may be offered cross-training in a different department as your current position will no longer be needed.

Jobs With Potential To Be Automated


Transportation technologies are advancing at a rapid pace because of the demand that came from extra increased shipping. This demand will eventually lead to transportation sectors like trucking, taxi services, and public transportation being automated through self-driving. Keeping trucking from pure automation is the switching cost and varying job duties of the truck drivers, like unloading the truck or making advanced maneuvers with different situations they have learned over their lifetime as a driver.

Infrastructure switching cost may be the only thing slowing down transportation automation for taxi and public sectors. It is easy to imagine a self-driving car that costs less from reduced labor, lower insurance cost, and ride-sharing benefits.


High labor costs and humans’ inefficient physical abilities motivate companies to automate loading processes. Robotic loading docs and stockers can easily automate these processes after the initial investment.

Cashiers/Baristas/Bank Tellers/Salesmen

Companies will automate point of sale positions to reduce cost and increase scalability. However, some positions will still be available to accommodate different customer types.

Analyst/Data Entry

Software engineers and businesses will create a product that will automate this service to be outsourced instead of relying on multiple employees.

Insurance Underwriter

Because of the commission costs for underwriters, insurance companies are looking to invest in automation with AI to determine the eligibility and pricing for customers.

Jobs With Less Risk For Automation


Surgeons have complex situations they are in and decisions that they have to make. Certain clerical work and diagnostic work can be automated, but surgeons will continue to be varied and skilled position.

Construction Workers

Construction workers have varied positions and always have to adapt to different building styles. Even if manufacturing processes are automated, they can still take their skills and get a general contracting license to increase pay and oversee these constructions, so they will never be out of a job.

Software Engineer

Software engineers will be adapting to the technological changes and normally the ones creating and implementing this automation, which is too complex to automate.


Jobs with a lot of leadership, oversight, critical thinking, experience, and adaptability will be nearly impossible to automate.

Lawn Care/Cleaning/Maintenance

Skills that take time to develop and require knowledge in the industry where you have to adapt to the individual client’s needs will be hard to automate. There are robot vacuum cleaners and lawnmowers but the robots cannot design a gardening regiment or tell if different buildings look clean enough.

Content Creators

A job that requires creativity will be hard to replicate, like influencers, journalists, media, designers, artists. Prepare for fluctuations in job market demand instead of the possibility of automation.

What To Do If Your Job Will Be Automated

  • Continue your job search to line up a possible job that technology won’t replace
  • Build your experience and network
  • Keep retirement and safety funds for any transition period

Everyone works hard for a living and any threat to your livelihood can be a scary position to be in. That reason alone is why you want to continuously learn and adapt to the changing times.

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