9 Movie Titles Improved By Adding “In Bed”

I love it when people who know how to use Photoshop get silly. I’ve said before that I think it would be fun to have a Photoshop party where everyone drinks beer, listens to music and gets busy in Photoshop. If you’re not a computer geek, that might sound boring to you, but I think it would be a blast. There would be no limits to the Photoshop madness that could be created on a night like that.

The team over at Cool Material recently had a little Photoshop fun of their own. Someone over there suddenly had the random thought that certain movie titles might be improved by adding the words “In Bed” to the end of them. Then they put their mad skillz to great use by creating these 9 new and improved movie titles. I have to admit, I agree. Some movie titles are definitely better with the words “In Bed” added.

If you can think of more movie titles that could be added to this list, you might want to jump over to Movie Titles Improved By Adding “… In Bed” because they are running a contest right now to see who can come up with the best one. They will choose a winner later this week. There are some great submissions already like “Driving Miss Daisy In Bed,” “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind In Bed,” “Predators In Bed,” and many more. Very nice! :)

Movies Changed For Contest

Movies Changed For Contest

Movies Changed For Contest

Movies Changed For Contest

Movies Title Changed For Contest

Movies Changed For Contest

Movies Changed For Contest

Movies Changed For Contest

Movies Changed For Contest