Infographics have gotten so popular over the past few years that some people have dedicated entire websites to only infographics. It seems we can’t get enough of capturing data in ways that are visually stunning. Some creative designers have even branched out into creating video infographics and animated infographics. People are even transforming their resumes into infographics. The applications for how our lives can be illustrated in an infographic are endless.
Sometimes I wonder about the accuracy in the information presented in certain infographics since many times there are obvious errors. I’ve read that the majority of time goes into creating the infographic itself, and not into researching the actual information. However, it’s no doubt a very fast way to soak up statistics and facts in a way that is much more fun that reading text.
It may surprise you to know that even though we are undergoing an infographics craze at the moment, they are not necessarily new. Data visualization has been going on since the early 1900s. These posters below were all created between 1912 and 1938. What a brilliant glimpse back in time. These are on display right now at the London Transport Museum. You can click over to Creative Review to get the specifics on each illustration.
Via: [Nuclear Toast]