Colorful Prom Dress Made From Candy Wrappers

Tara Frey must have the most patient and most talented mother in the world. I am so domestically challenged on some things that I even take shirts to the cleaners to get buttons sewed on, so you can understand why this is fascinating to me.

Tara’s mom, Kerrin, spent 6 years and pushed on through 5 failed attempts to make her daughter this prom dress made out of Starburst candy wrappers. Not only did she successfully make the dress, she also created some shoes, a handbag, and even a matching vest for Tara’s boyfriend.

Kerrin contacted the candy company and asked if she could just purchase the wrappers, and they said no. When she realized how many wrappers she would need, she started purchasing the candy in 20 pound bags and asking everyone she knew to eat the candy, but save the wrappers for her. Each wrapper had to be folded eight times before it could be pressed into the tight weave.

Obviously it would have been cheaper and taken a lot less time to just go to the store and buy a traditional dress, but where is the fun in that? I’m sure this wonderful project brought Tara and Kerrin even closer together. Tara’s boyfriend, Zane, on the other hand, doesn’t seem as happy. He cracks me up in this video. He’s just along for the ride…. so cute. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen dresses made from candy wrappers. I’ve included two others below for you to check out too.

Candy Wrapper Dress and Handbag

Prom Dress With Candy Wrappers

Candy Wrapper High Heels

Starburst Candy Wrapper Dress

This dress is made from Peanut M&M wrappers
Peanut M&M Wrapper Dress

This dress is made from Bubblicious bubble gum wrappers
Bubblicious Wrapper Designed Dress