An Aging Superhero: It Sucks To Get Older

Life is a curious thing really. Some people like getting older, while other people hate it. People getting plastic surgery is increasing by the thousands each year, and it’s unlikely to stop anytime soon as we have all pretty much figured out by now. Yes, getting older comes with a lot of stuff we are not used to when we’re young, but it can also be a beautiful thing if we stay healthy. Reading all the junk continuously published in the newspapers about how this and that is unhealthy and possibly dangerous for us is probably not the smartest thing to read if we want to stay… well, healthy. I think if we just stay positive about life in general, it will most likely all work out. The body is a living thing, and as we stay positive, our body adjusts to changes as we get older.

However, aging, for many people, is a horrible thing. You start getting wrinkles, your muscles deteriorate and you start getting weaker. This can of course be slowed down some if we stay true to our exercise and healthy eating. Eventually though, we will fall victims to the hands of time. Just remember that for a superhero, this all is a thousand times worse. See, that’s already one thing we can feel good about since most of us are not superheroes and will not likely become one anytime soon.

Swedish illustrator Andreas Englund did some quite impressive work on the matter. What you are about to see is not only uberishly funny, but from a superhero perspective, it’s quite devastating for the profession. I am insanely impressed by the look of these images, and I can’t wait to see what Andreas will come up with next. Being a superhero certainly has its perks when you are young. However, it’s not so much fun when you get older, right? There’s just no stopping time I guess… at least not yet anyway.

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations

Aging Superhero In Colorful Illustrations