After reading Richard’s article yesterday about all the failed predictions for the end of the world, it got me thinking about how exactly the world could conceivably end. If you got to choose how the world ends, how would it all play out? What would end up being the demise of this planet and humanity? Would it be some sort of weather phenomenon, a catastrophic disaster, a biblical prophecy or maybe even a zombie attack?
As morbid as it may sound, there is a smorgasbord of ways the world could end. If I got to choose the way, it would have to be something where we go down fighting hard. It would have to be something like the best sci-fi movie ever. There would be tons of futuristic lasers, blood and creepiness. Some people say that technology will play a big role in how the world ends, but I would choose something more hands-on, if you know what I mean.
I think I’ve found it. If I got to choose how the world ends, I would pick that it all goes down in a fight with zombie stormtroopers. How awesome would that be? These pictures are from Joe Schreiber’s book called Star Wars: Death Troopers. Its story takes place about a year before A New Hope. I haven’t read the book, but apparently it’s a great one. You can read reviews here and here. It’s available on Amazon for just a few bucks (depending on whether you want a new copy or a used one). What great pictures!
Via: [thaeger] [Star Wars Wikia]