DIY Branding Tips For Your Small Business Or Startup

More and more small businesses and startups open each year by entrepreneurs around the globe. But with such a competitive marketplace, you have more reason to make your brand and small business stand out. Not everyone has thousands to invest in their branding. Here are a few affordable DIY branding tips so you can set your business apart this year.

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Have A Simple Website

A significant percentage of the world have access to the Internet. And a decent number of these spend most of their free time browsing online or using social media. In real numbers, this adds up to over a billion active users every single day. For this reason, your business needs to have some kind of online presence.

You can create a simple website that describes the products and services you provide. Add in your mission statement and write your brand story. This is what gives you personality and makes you unique in a crowded marketplace. Your website doesn’t need to be too complicated. Simplicity often works well for most industries.

Almost anyone with basic tech skills can create a website in a few hours. Take this a step further and create a social media account for your small business or start-up. This gives you a huge chance to connect and share your story with your customers, where they spend most of their free time.

Get A Good Logo

The logo of your business or start-up is the first thing that people see. If you have an attractive and representative logo, it’s going to attract more customers to your business. On the contrary, if it looks dull or is inconsistent with your values, then you’re going to lose potential customers.

Invest in a designer who can discuss precisely what your business represents. They can then go away and create a logo that’s both visually appealing and matches your brand. Do this through a variety of ways ranging from hiring a designer in house, a freelancer, or working with a company.

Have Your Own Brand Labels

If you want to look professional, you need to have professional looking labels on all your products. But you can’t just choose any label randomly and expect it to give your business the best appearance.

Instead, you need to find the right label to suit the particular product. Consider if you need to invest in weatherproof labels for anything that’s exposed to the elements. This includes any products that will be shipped long distances or stored outdoors.

Other options include edge-to-edge, round, and a whole range of others. Play around with different styles, colors, and borders. Use your creative touch to give your brand a unique touch. You can search through hundreds of Avery label sizes at

DIY Branding Tips

Small businesses and start-ups don’t need to invest thousands in giving themselves a style and brand. Instead, you can take advantage of your logo to draw more customers in. Create a simple website that describes your products and services. Take advantage of labels to give all your products a unique touch.

If you are interested in even more design-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

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