With technology becoming more and more powerful, we can experience the world getting smaller so to speak. It has been predicted by many scientists over the years that we will keep feeling the world shrinking, and that may very well be the reason why we are undertaking the huge endeavor of trying to expand out into space. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but it sure makes sense when you think about it. The fascination in maps has been apparent for many world leaders, and many have tried to change the very look of them by conquering other countries. The map we are used to looking at is ever changing, and that’s because countries sometimes break up into smaller pieces.
It is when you give a world map to an artist that we really start to see some brilliant creativity being born. Artist Ingrid Dabringer has a whole different look at the world when she starts up that big brain of hers. What she did is not only amazing, but kind of retro beautiful as well. She managed to take the map of the world we know today and create beautiful paintings out of it. Borders, rivers and roads become the outline of imaginative portraits.
I get a very old school feel from it all, and I am sure they would make great desktop wallpapers for people who want to retro it up a little. How she manages to find these hidden portraits in our map of the world is amazing. That’s not solely because she manages to do it, but also because it must take quite some time to find something of interest. I mean, you don’t just follow some lines and then see what becomes of it. There is movement, facial lines and a whole slew of things to consider. This is not to mention the overall concept of the portrait itself. It’s pure creativity that is certainly worth a second look!