Lord Of The Simpsons: A Creative LOTR & Simpsons Mashup

I’ve written before that I’ve never seen Harry Potter. I’ve never watched Lord of the Rings or Avatar either. Sometimes when I tell people that, they actually gasp, as if they are truly shocked. Hey, give a girl a break. I’ve been too busy tweeting and writing posts for Bit Rebels to watch those movies. I can’t sit still that long. Someday, maybe when I’m old and gray, I’ll get around to watching them.

Actually, I don’t really have to watch those movies. I’ve read all of Richard’s articles about them, so I feel like I’ve seen them. Even though I haven’t seen the actual movies, I appreciate all the artwork inspired by them. This LOTR Middle Earth created out of Lego was un-freaking-believable.

People love to mash things up with the LOTR and The Simpsons. This LOTR and Star Wars mashup is great, and I also like this Pulp Fiction and The Simpsons. I’ve haven’t seen LOTR and The Simpsons mashed up together until today, and I like these. They are created by DeviantARTist Mary Johan Juver. Most of them are from a collection called Lord of the Simpsons. The interesting thing is that when I look at these, they kind of look like they are supposed to go together. That’s usually what happens when talented artists mashup unexpected characters. They end up looking natural, and everyone wonders, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Very nice!

LOTR Simpsons Creative Mashup

LOTR Simpsons Creative Mashup

LOTR Simpsons Creative Mashup

LOTR Simpsons Creative Mashup

LOTR Simpsons Creative Mashup

LOTR Simpsons Creative Mashup