There’s a cartoon world, and there’s a real world. Cartoons are supposed to stay in the cartoon world, don’t you think? Whenever I see them branch out into the real world, it kinda freaks me out, like my brain can’t handle it or something.
When Richard wrote about these Disney characters portrayed as strippers, it skeeved me out a little. There’s just something about seeing those characters take it all off that’s just wrong. Ok, I admit the Tarzan was kinda cute, I’ve always had a thing for him, but all the other ones, no way.
Well, here we go again. I have more mind twisting cartoons-meet-real-life-art to share with you. These are famous cartoon characters mixed up with classic paintings by world renown artists. As bizarre as these may be, the artist that created them did a fantastic job incorporating both of these worlds and blending them together into one. I don’t have any information on the artist’s name or website so I can’t credit that person. If you know who it is, please share it with us in a comment below so we can thank him or her for the creative inspiration!
Via: [My Modern Met]