Mouth Watering Science Fiction Paper Art – Including DIY Link

You all are the only ones I can say this to because you are geeks like me and you will understand, but when I found out about this information today, I got so excited that my heart started beating faster.

Shunichi Makino, a profoundly talented papercraft artist from Japan, has been creating sci-fi creations for years. His collection includes Iron Man, Terminator, many Star Wars characters and ships, the Borg Cube, etc…

Mr. Makino is now allowing anyone to download the patterns in PDF format so we can all make them! Here is a link to his site where you can find the patterns for the papercraft designs: Even though most of his website is in Japanese, the directions and guides are very detailed and you don’t have to know how to read Japanese to figure this out. An added benefit… Unlike most models made out of plastic and other materials, these paper models are all recyclable!

Thank you for the great photos!